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A Mighty Rushing Wind

Photo Boanca Suri/ Unsplash

There's little that can instantly make me smile. But a picture like the one above, where the dog is clearly loving the effect of the wind in its face, ears flying, fur ruffling, sitting at the edge of the sea does. Can't you just imagine how much the dog is hoping for a fowl to retrieve? And can't you feel how content the dog is...anticipatory contentment. What might that have to say to us on the #synodjourney as we approach Pentecost?

Anticipatory: there's so much to look forward to, to wait for with patient endurance and to work for even though results are slow in coming. Synodality is becoming the way of the Church. Just this past week some three hundred priests from around the world gathered in Rome, not to be talked to, but to be LISTENED to, to be affirmed, to hear that without them, synodality cannot take root.

By May 15th the results of another worldwide consultation on distresses, successes and concrete practical ways forward are due in Rome. They will provide some of the grist for the creation of the Instrumentum laboris for the second Assembly of the Synod on Synodality. Take a look here at a chart that describes all that is underway already as the Church practices synodality. And read here five perspectives for theological exploration on how to be a synodal Church on mission. Perspectives and their resultant actions are on the way! Let us wait with joyful hope for their coming.

Contentment: Just as the pup in the picture knows that he/she is a fowl retriever who loves the water, loves the wind, loves the thrill of the chase and retrieval, so we too can be content in knowing who we are and Whose we are. We can be content in the promises of faith, which belong to us. We can be content in our time in history, and in our geographical location, knowing that God in Christ and the Spirit is even now equipping us for Kingdom building in synodal ways. We can be content in knowing our redemption and freedom from a slavery to sin. We can be content in the truth of our salvation. We know we are here with a mission entrusted to us by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. And we can be content knowing that even now, as we walk the uncertain path that is the #synodjourney, we are content in knowing we do not walk alone.

Anticipatory contentment...let us turn our faces toward the Lord and anticipate the mighty wind of Pentecost. Let us do so together, praying a Novena to the Holy Spirit as one pilgrim people, awaiting anew the Spirit's wind. The Pentecost Vigil Project's leadership team invites you to join us in our second annual Pentecost Novena, live via Zoom beginning on Friday May 10 at 7:30PM EDT. Go here for the prayer sheets, the Zoom link and other materials to assist you in praying with us. If you can't join with us live, take the prayer sheets and pray when you can each day, as together we anticipate what God has ready for those who love Him!

There's a mighty wind coming...turn your face toward the Lord...with us!

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