How Do We Get There from Here?
Which pathways will you choose as you begin the shift to a more synodal Church? The IL has 4 to choose from.
Our thoughts along the synod road.
How Do We Get There from Here?
Let us create them in our image
Discernment: A spiritual practice for a synodal Church
Listening to the Holy Spirit: A synodal spiritual practice
Choose Now!
Keeping One Another's Silence
The Spirit is at Work!
The Ear of Christ
Seek First the Kingdom... through Discernment
Ready...Set...Go work on your spirit!
Who Cares How we Decide?
Part II of "Now What?" Look inward!
And now what? Practice!
Let me introduce you....
Discernment's Origins
Do you know what this means?
Trustworthiness and Synodality