Free Services & Products
Our free products and services are
Created to help those you serve walk the synod journey
Reprintable permission for nonprofits
Customizable for your parish/diocese (select items)
Listening in our Homes
A table tent card for families to use to begin to talk about what they love about the Church and what they wish was different. Perfect for individual households or for intergenerational faith formation settings in which elements of Phase 1 of the synod are part of introducing this way of being Church.
Questions to use with People with Disabilities
Pope Francis is urging us to go to the margins, to listen to the baptized who live in that space and welcome their voices. Here, compliments of the Office for Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities from the Archdiocese of Newark, are some questions to prompt conversation.

Geared to serving leaders looking to become synodal
Interpersonal through our consultation services
Customizable to meet your individual goals on the #synodjourney