This begins a 6-week series of blogs that look at the Instrumentum laboris for the Second General Assembly of the Synod on Synodality. Why? To help us prepare to participate in the synod through our knowledge and understanding of what is happening, through our prayer for the delegates and their important work, and through our willingness to share with others more of our understanding of what synodality requires. Cetnral to synodality is communion, and these blogs will increase our communion with the Church, already on the #synodjourney, and invite us to come along, now!
Photo Credit Deborah W. Stollery (c) 2016
This past weekend a bunch of our family gathered for the 4th annual GBRFest...a summer family reunion not far from Rehoboth Beach. We trickle in over three days, but on Saturday 27 family members and two friends were all together enjoying a version of the prophet Isaiah's feast of rich food, wine (and vodka seltzers, with some beer thrown in for good measure), where all the tears were gently wiped away and where, for a few hours, there was nothing dividing us. We were diverse but united in our love for one another and our commitment to forge the bonds of family. We welcomed the visitors, prayed together, ate and drank, played and shared stories. We listened deeply to one another, wiped tears, laughed, remembered and rejoiced. It was a glimpse of the Kingdom on earth, a glimpse of what God envisions for all humankind.
This vision is what begins the Instrumentum laboris for the Second Assembly of the Synod on Synodality. It's the vision of a people committed to enabling all those whose faces are stained with tears, whose lives are ravaged by war, who cry out in anguish... to come and enjoy life as God intends. Come, eat and drink without money. Come to the feast prepared for you. God has given us all that we need and we are here to see that you enjoy it as well, that you know your place as God's beloved because we gather you in among us and wipe your tears, protect you from pain, and heal your wounds. We advocate for your homeland's peace, and for economic policies that give you enough, and for environmental practices that revere and sustain the earth. We treasure you and we want you to know that YOU are beloved of God by the way in which we care for you.
I don't know about you, but I want to belong to THAT Church and that's why I am convinced synodality is the right approach for the third millennium. Synodality puts all the baptized of any denomination into this mission---to walk together with others, all others, toward God not just with steps, but with affection, says St. Augustine. God desires us all to sit around this banquet table, on God's holy mountain, not just later, but now. God desires justice and peace now. God desires healing, mercy, hope, gentleness and kindness now. We, God's people the Church, are charged with this mission, now.
The IL Introduction says this is the synodal vision: a pilgrim people in every part of the world, seeking to become more synodal so that we can undertake the heal the wounds and right the scandalous inequalities throughout the world. And we begin this in the solidarity of prayer, followed by a renewed commitment to work alongside all the "artisans of justice and peace" throughout the world. THIS is the Church as Christ intended. This is the Church that IS a mission rather than the Church that has a mission.
The Synod on Synodality is going to focus its second assembly on just how we become this kind of Church. HOW do we share with the world Christ's listening mind and heart? How do we foster communion with all humankind so that everyone knows themselves called to dwell in God's family and how do we make space in our common home for all? How do we discern together what the Holy Spirit wants of the Church in its diverse localities with its differing gifts? How do we reflect Christ's saving light in our bruised and battered world? How do we remain united and still celebrate our diversity? Family reunions can tell us a little bit of how:
Choose the bonds of family over all other division
Accept each other where we are and walk along together sharing stories and shoulders, kisses and Kleenex
Gather regularly and remember together
Play together, letting the children lead the way
Relax and trust that everyone gathered cares deeply for one another
The Introduction to the Instrumentum laboris for the Second Assembly says we start with the vision from the prophet Isaiah of all God's people gathered on that holy mountain, sharing a feast prepared by God...and that we embrace that vision as what we are to be doing amidst the deadening cacophany of our world. It's a bit like that reunion, right? THIS is our mission. For THIS we foster communion. Into this we invite participation. It is the coming of the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, and synodality will help us become the very people who embrace this mission, here and now. Synodality is a means for the Church, the People of God, to do as Jesus carry out his mission until he comes again.
The Introduction starts with a captivating vision. Can you imagine a world where literally billions of people are committed to seeing that others experience this Imagine that world. And imagine being part of a great People of God, working intently to bring it to bear, in communion with the Lord, with each other, with those who have gone before and with all men and women who share this desire. Imagine...for it is now coming to pass. The synodal journey is the way. God's great family reunion is happening!
Next week we'll look at the second section of the IL, sub-titled Foundations. Until then, pray with this vision and allow it to penetrate your mind and heart. Then look around and see who needs a touch or glimpse of this Kingdom....and offer it to them. It's how we join in the communion Jesus intends.